Our Purpose
Our Foundation
We exist to create and serve. As architects, it is our responsibility to do our part to build strong communities. Our design practices are founded on creating spaces that nurture individuals, organizations, and communities. We push the discipline in order to innovate and share new perspectives on our built environment where we work, live and play. Our built environments are reflective of each unique story they tell.
We create from curiosity. We design to inspire. And through architecture, we leave behind a small imprint of today for generations to come.
National Reach
flashing Markers represent states where GROTH Design Group is licensed and/or has built projects
Our Values
In establishing our values, we defined values as strongly held, emotionally charged beliefs that are highly resistant to change. In our work and in our lives, we’re deeply committed to improving our client’s businesses and organizations, our profession, ourselves, and our society. The six core values below are the fundamental values of GDG, based upon our tagline of Listen, Lead, Serve. These values are more than abstract beliefs; they are the foundation for what drives all of us in our actions and at every level of the firm.
Transparent Collaboration: the foundation of our relationships
Vested: in our clients, communities, and each other
Design Integrity: The center of GDG
Innovation: Knowledge, learning and research are the spirit of our firm
Social Purpose: Our commitment to sustainability, diversity, equity, and consensus building
F.E.E.D.: Fun, Energy, Enthusiasm, and Dedication in all our endeavors

Employee talent is the cornerstone of our success.
The staff of GROTH Design Group offers value by seeking effective and innovative design solutions in collaboration with our clients and partners, with a respectful approach toward mutual understanding. Our employees create value for our clients and in turn, we invest in the development of personal and technical skills of each employee. We also like to have fun along the way.
Our Promise
We create places that respect the individual, the community, and the environment.
We design places that are functional, financially responsible, yet imaginative — effective and meaningful places supporting our client’s mission and vision. Achieving such places involves meeting a complex array of challenges with creative design solutions — the fundamentals of envisioning the future begins with collaborative communication, fully understanding needs, setting realistic goals, and eagerly exploring opportunities.