The project includes a lodge (16 units) with condos, freestanding cottages (12), an enrichment center (11,000 sf), and additional amenities.
Eastcastle Place is a facility that has seen many renovations and additions. GROTH Design Group was responsible for the upgrading of finishes and furniture on the fourth and fifth floors of the Long Term Care and Rehabilitation Center.
The services provided on these floors are critical to the overall well-being of residents and as such, demand an environment that is both reassuring and uplifting.
Design and documentation services were provided for reconfiguration of the following interior design elements:
Square Footage
interior design
furniture consultation
The project includes a lodge (16 units) with condos, freestanding cottages (12), an enrichment center (11,000 sf), and additional amenities.
This ministry home for the Carmelite Sisters of the Divine Heart of Jesus will have 15 units featuring large, shared dining and living spaces, a prayer room, a 2nd-floor reflection patio, and a recreation space.
As Milwaukee Catholic Home was approaching its 100th anniversary, GROTH Design Group was engaged as a trusted partner to serve its people and leaders.