Children’s Wisconsin – Bluemound Clinic
The Children’s Wisconsin – Bluemound Clinic is a 11,500-square-foot primary care project that includes 18 exam rooms, lactation consult, and more.
Envision Surgery Center specializes in Ophthalmology delivering exceptional care throughout the community. The medical center serves patients from a large geographic area in southeastern Wisconsin and this new location offers a central location.
GROTH Design Group partnered with the surgery center to fully renovate the an existing facility. Room analysis was done for operating rooms, prep, recovery etc., based on volumes and staffing levels to ensure proper programming was achieved.
The renovated facility now is home to six ophthalmologists, and support staff, that perform minimally-invasive procedures related to the eye.
Square Footage
The Children’s Wisconsin – Bluemound Clinic is a 11,500-square-foot primary care project that includes 18 exam rooms, lactation consult, and more.
The Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin – New Berlin Clinic is a four-phase remodel of a fully operational, multi-specialty clinic offering a number of pediatric care services.
This 11,600-square-foot clinic was designed with patient and staff flow in mind. It features 15 double-sided exam rooms surrounding a collaborative team space.