Notre Dame of De Pere School
This new three-story facility for the Notre Dame School Campus provides classroom space for up to 450 elementary and middle school students.
First Immanuel Lutheran Church’s 65-year-old elementary school wing became insufficient for adding more students and facilitating 21st century learning.
GROTH Design Group designed a building addition that includes 14 new classrooms grouped around two age-segregated Learning Streets. The open and flexible Learning Streets provide inviting/day-lit group/collaboration spaces which will also be available for after-school church group usage.
Six offices and a reception area create an office suite which also entails reconfiguring the building’s administrative wing.
21st century elements, such as openable glass classroom walls, flexible furnishings, small-group collaboration spaces are flexible to meet the teacher’s desired education model.
Square Footage
concept renderings
construction documents
furniture consulting full architecture
interior design
schematic design
Patcraft Award
This new three-story facility for the Notre Dame School Campus provides classroom space for up to 450 elementary and middle school students.
A new K-8 school which includes the school, school additions designed to complement the existing church.
This project creates a middle school STEM Lab which can be subdivided with glass overhead garage doors into a work area and a computer lab that can also serve as a regular classroom.