Sartori Cheese
GROTH Design Group worked with Sartori’s leadership team to renovate their existing building and reflect their redesigned brand.
Regal, formerly Regal Beloit, sought to create a new building for their Grafton-based operations, as an expression of their new corporate brand. The building incorporates industrial features softened by curved walls, natural wood and glass. Clients are greeted by a high-tech product display room. Large, open office spaces incorporate a vibrant color palette and private offices are faced with glass. An organizing central spine connects all of the various functions and leads clients to an innovation tech lab.
Regal’s building strives for sustainability, and LEED Certification, with its energy efficient mechanical systems, abundant day light, and green materials.
One of the more interesting green products used on the building is the brick. All of the brick was manufactured using fly ash, (a post-industrial recycled material), instead of traditional clay or cement. Because the bricks are not clay-based, they also do not need to be fired, which greatly reduces CO2 emissions.
Square Footage
new construction
sustainable design
corporate branding
flexible space programming
GROTH Design Group worked with Sartori’s leadership team to renovate their existing building and reflect their redesigned brand.
This complete renovation turned a former parking garage into a gateway to the transforming 5th Street streetscape in Milwaukee’s Walker’s Point neighborhood.
Located in a thriving neighborhood, the goal of the project was to convert an abandoned building into a beautiful asset for the community.