Chapel of the Holy Family | Marquette University
Shepherd of the Hills is partnered with GROTH Design Group to develop an expansion of a new worship space to connect to their existing building campus.
Southbrook Church has experienced dramatic growth since its founding. They were given an opportunity to purchase a property with an existing church building and gymnasium. GROTH Design Group assisted with Master Planning for various options.
Phase I: 2016
Phase II: 2021
Square Footage
Phase I: 23,600
Phase II: 22,600
Shepherd of the Hills is partnered with GROTH Design Group to develop an expansion of a new worship space to connect to their existing building campus.
St. Jerome Parish School houses a K-8, two-track school with approximately 500 students arrayed to maximize solar gain during late autumn, winter, and early spring.
Christ Presbyterian renovated nearly every square foot within the existing church facility and added new spaces to address concerns for neighborhood proclamation.